Thursday, November 19, 2009

Dictionary Use Survey

Dictionary Survey
Do you use a dictionary?
Do you use a monolingual or bilingual dictionary, or both?
In which setting do you use your dictionary? (i.e. while reading, in the classroom etc.)
Do you look at all of the meanings of the word, the collocations etc. or do you just look at the first plausible meaning?
Do you use the phonological information?
If you use the phonological information, do you speak aloud and practice the pronunciation?
Do you look at the contextual usage that the dictionary provides (if it indeed provides it)?
How often do you use your dictionary?
Do you keep notes of the information you retrieve from the dictionary?
Do you ever just peruse the dictionary?
Do you sometimes let yourself make connections to other words, phrases etc. by information found in the dictionary?
Do you use any of the information found at the beginning and the end of the dictionary? (i.e. grammar reference materials, measurements etc.)
If you have both a monolingual and bilingual dictionary, which do you prefer to use and in which situations?
Do you think that you should look up every word that you don't know while reading?
Can you understand the abbreviations and what the mean? Do they help your understanding?

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